Success/Error Design Pattern For Ajax

'success/error' design pattern for Ajax requests is a JSON encoded string in a specific format - each response has a minimum of two elements in it - ie 'success' and 'error' - like this...

"success":"Task done successfully",


"error":"Database Connection Error!"

The success and error index don't have to be just a string - it can be a data structure - like this...


The return handler function will be something like this...

function ajaxReturn(data) { //data is the 'eval'ed object of the responseText
	if(data.error) {
		//The 'showErrorMessage' handles the error.
		//showErrorMessage() will return true for a critical error and false for non-critical error.
		if(showErrorMessage(data.error)) return; 
	//Else is not given - if there was a critical error, the function will return.
	if(data.success) {
		//Do whatever you want with 'data'



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